
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We will be running a special through out the whole month of December.
A free baby rat with any $20.00 or more purchase.
We have many babies to choose from.
Some standard and some dumbos.
Plus many colors and patterns to choose from also.

So come early and get your pick, we will even hold your new babies for Christmas day pick up.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

For our BLACK FRIDAY, we are giving you 25% off anything you buy in our store.  This is only good for this one day.  Will have additional sales starting December 1.  We also will be posting new holiday hours, starting December 1 as well.  Karen

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hello, just a quick note to update every one on the progress of the baby rats.
They are growing big fast and are all getting their colors.
There will be many patterns to choose from.
We do have two blue ones.  One is a blue capped and the other one is a  blue berkshire with white feet.
The rest are various patterns but all seem to be brown and black........
Some are spotted and some are hooded, and even a few caps.......
So come in soon and take a look......

These babies will be on special for Christmas for $5.00 so come down soon and find your new friend.......

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Schatzi arrived.

Just a note to tell you, we now have a blue and gold beautiful lady.  She arrived November 11th.  This macaw is in excellant feather, is around four years old, and appears to be a friendly bird, although we will be keeping it for thirty days.  We want to make sure she is going to be a great bird to fit into your family style, and will be cherished for many years to come.  I will put some pictures up and a lot of info on her and blue and gold macaws soon.  This lady will be available just in time, to make a fantastic gift for someone for Christmas.  I know that you will be amazed at the low low price for Schatzi  ( German word for Sweetheart)  and her huge cage.  So keep checking the blog and or web site for more info.  Karen

Saturday, November 13, 2010

BABY RATS........................

Just a quick update ..........Baby rats are growing big..............
They are one week old now and getting fatter every day.......
Come in soon and check them out. They will make great Christmas gifts for the kids this year.
Hope to see you soon ... Take care and Happy Holidays to every one..................


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sale in the Reptile Room

Awesome male guinea pig  he comes with the total set up and ready to go home today.   SALE  $40.00
He is all white and just a funny little guy, so come on down and check him out.
He could be just the pet you are looking for.......................................

Thanks again Joy

WOW GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

New arrivals to the store, Nov. 9 mommy rat Sandy gave birth to 12 babies.
So great news they will be ready for Christmas time gifts also..

Both new Mothers are doing great and babies are all growing fast.
Jenny's pups are starting to get color and looks like we have some caps and hooded in this litter.
Colors to be anounced later.......
All of them have standard ears.........................

Come in early to see the new arrivals and watch them grow up..

Thanks again from all of us here at the store and we look forward to seeing you here soon.................


Sunday, November 7, 2010


There has been an addition to the store, 13 new baby rats were born on Nov. 6 to proud mother Jenny.
Just wanted to let every one know they will be ready for their new homes right before Christmas.  So come in early and pick out your new addition to your family soon.....
I will keep every one posted as to the sexes and the colors and they develop.....

Thanks again for stopping by and please visit our store soon.......................................

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A brand new bird at your home.

Wow, you purchased a bird, and your so excited.  You can't wait to interact with your new friend.  Buttttttttttttttt..........  stop, take a deep breath, and slow down.
Your bird is possibly in a new cage,new toys etc. new home, new people, and could very well be scared.  Give your bird some time to adjust, and to trust you.  Each bird is different, some can adjust in a day or two, others take much more time.  While your giving your bird some space, go up to cage and talk to it from time to time.  Then watch and see if it appears to be scared.  They can act like they are cold, with feathers puffed out, and a quivering may take place.  I like to cover my bird at night.  I use a sheet.  I feel it gives them a sence of security, and also tones down the lights, if you aren't in bed at same time.  Speaking of sleeping, birds need around ten hours a day or night to sleep.
Ok, offer your bird a treat, and hope that it comes to you and takes it.  If not try again some other time.
Keep your children from poking their fingers in the cage.  The bird may give them a nasty bite.
Now when you feel it is responding in a good way towards you, open cage and see if the bird will come out.  Then procide to put your finger under tummy and say step up.  If it appears it wants to bite you, you may have to use a dowel or some kind of wood perch, and use it to teach it to step up.  If the bird gets on your finger try to avoid letting it climb to your shoulder ( until you can trust your bird not to bite).  Birds like to be high up, so raise your hand higher than your shoulder.  If that isn't working, put your bird on your lap.
There are many ways to work with a bird, and start a bonding with him or her.  Will follow up with more tips at another time.  The main thing is, don't rush your bird, let it have time to adjust.  Also when you put in a new toy, it may act like it's not interested.  So it may take a day or two to get used to a new item in it's cage as well, just either leave it in cage, or clip it outside on the cage for awhile.
As many of you know birds bite from time to time.  They bite because they are scared, use beak for balance and to climb.  Some don't care for you to mess with their cage, especially inside.  Some get to a certain age where their harmones are active, and they become aggressive.  Some birds just are stinkers, and want their way.
When a bird bites, our first reaction is to pull away.  push into the bird, and scold it.  Then if your not bleeding to death lol, look the bird in the eye, and sharply scold it, and put it in it's cage.  If your bird thinks he got the better of you, he will use his beak as a weapon, so don't allow him to notice that your in pain and agony lol.
Birds are very smart, and watch the look on our face, and understand the tone of our voice.  So always smile and be pleasant and soft spoken around your bird.  If your bird bites, be firm and in control, and scold and frown or something to allow your bird to know he did a no no.  Some think its good to flick their beak when they bite.  Always keep in mind, why your bird may have bit you.  If not because he is being a bad bird, then just say a sharp no, and put back into cage.  Don't let your bird be the boss in your house.  Treat your bird as you would a naughty child, when his behavior isn't up to par.

Friday, November 5, 2010


We would just like to let you know of our specials we are running now through Christmas Day.
So you can come in early to get your new family members all picked out.
Put them on hold so you can pick them up on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
We will be open on Christmas Day for your convenience from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.........
So to make the gift a real big surprise for every one................

20% down will hold till Christmas  that includes supplies and animals......

$5.00 holding cost per week for all live critters that are purchased through this sale .......

We look forward to seeing you and helping you with all your christmas time gifts......

Please post us your tips or advice

Hi, would love to hear from any of you, always learning from others.  So don't hesitate to post us tips of your own, or even ideas as to how we can improve our PET SHOP.  We are a new business, and need all of your help to make it a big sucess.  BIRDIE BIRD, KAREN, and JOY.

Time for another Thank You.

Thanks Joy for all the hard work you have done at BIRDIE BIRD PET SHOP!!!!
You put a lot of effort prior to opening the doors, and have been a great help.  Thank you for all that you do, and I am very glad to have you work for me, what a lucky lady I am to have you as my right hand and friend.
To all of you out there, this lady will help you with any of your pet wants or needs, and always has a smile on her face to greet you when you come into our place. After all it would look pretty stupid else where heehee.
She also has been great to add to this blog, especially when I don't always find the time to do so.  Joy I am aware of all the little extras that you have done, even the ones you use your own time to do.  It really is appreciated.  Karen

A thank you

Would like to thank Kim with web.everything, if it wasn't for her big time help, I wouldn't have my web site, blog, or gmail set up.  This lady is absolutely fantastic, went way beyond the call of business, to support us, in all we have achieved, in our business.  So a Big Thanks Kim, and  may your business be very prosperous!!!
To any of you reading this, and you are in need of a web site, etc.  Please contact Kim Jeppson-Hansen
I promise you will be very satisfied in working with her, I know I am. 


Water or Juice as needed  enough to make a batter.
3 Cups Corn Muffin mix, or two small boxes of jiffy corn muffin mix.
4 eggs with shells.  Wash shells and crumble
1/2 Cup mixed vegetables fresh or frozen chopped or grated
1/4 Cup Chopped Nuts
1/4 Cup Grated Carrots
Preheat oven to 375.
Mix the first three ingredients in a bowl, beating until smooth. Stir in the
mixed vegetables fresh or frozen, chopped
nuts, and carrots. Pour in a greased corn
bread pan or in greased or lined muffin
tins. Cook muffins for 30- 35 minutes  or cook in
pan, for 45 minutes or
tooth pick comes out clean. Let cool. Slice
into small pieces, put in plastic zip bags,
and freeze until needed. Microwave to
heat and serve.

Tip: You can freeze any of these muffins
and just take out what you need. Thaw in room temperature.
You can use any of your left over vegetables, and also raisins ( a good handful) can be added.